by Adam Bäck Thorén
Keywords: Preservation, Retrofitting, Heritage, Restoration
In this course, I have focused on issues concerning conservation requirements and laws for buildings with high cultural and architectural values. The major focus has been made on trying to dissect the legal text that is proposed for the plot of Lorensberg 21:1 and the conservation requirements q2 for the former Court of Appeal in the West.
q2 ”Building exterior foundation wall, facades and roof shall be preserved so that its cultural and historical qualities, architectural uniqueness and significance in the urban space are not distorted.”
Through this zoning description, the project questioned whether it is possible to do an exterior facade renovation with additional insulation, without breaking the law for preservation and there was the question of whether it would be possible to cover the building in a photocopy of itself and then ask if the architectural uniqueness and significance in the urban have been altered and there PBL 8 chap. 17§ (2010:900) and PBL 8 chap. 13§ (2010:900) needed to take into consideration.

But the final project landed an attempt to preserve the unique expression of the urban environment with a new type project landed in an attempt to preserve the unique expression of the urban environment with a new type of wooden facade that will reimagine the underlying materiality and is constructed with renewable material of wooden facade that will reimagine the underlying materiality and is constructed with renewable materials that can be dismantled in the future to bring back the original condition of the covered facade.

last edited June 2022 – By Elke Miedema