The site
The Baltic Sea is big enough to show the full extent of the issue, but also small enough to be able to document the direct effects of the work that’s been done, therefore I believe that the Baltic Sea could be a generator for change, creating hope, knowledge and awareness for the future.
Dead zones in the Baltic proper Chosen site (Bornholmsdjupet)

The box project (Baltic deepwater oxygenation)
This is the first ever attempt to circulate water to recover dead zones in the ocean and has become the scientific foundation of my project. The experiment was carried out by Gothenburg and Linköpings university. It is located on the Swedish west coast in Byfjorden outside of Uddevalla.
The researchers circulated the oxygenated surface water to the bottom layer and activated the bottom sedimentthrough engineered pumps. The problem with the pumps is that they are driven by diesel and it would not be sustainable on a bigger scale which the researchers would like to proceed to.
Through this I located a problem to solve and gained knowledge from the research on the topic. I know that it is possible to make changes and optimize the existing design.