Design process, fig 1 Spreading of an idea, fig 2
Problems and design
Fig 1
How we attack problems is very much an individual process, in this section I try to explain how I face issues and how I tackle them through design.
I believe that we have control over ideas for a long time in the process but that the end result often is steered by uncertainty. However, we can give the uncertainty direction, and shape what the retriever in this scenario will pick up (the ball/idea in this drawing). Later I will draw the retrieval process and re-read objects to fit a new purpose.
Fig 2
Illustration of how an object/idea grows. The white dot in the middle is the base for the new design. It creates ripples in every direction, but how it gets retrieved is what makes the evolution of the object/idea possible. Some view points will not lead further while others will. This could lead to changes greater than the design itself.
This is the section where I start to use my methods and ideas to transform them into design. I start by studying the object and make an abstraction. What parts do I have use for in the early stages of my design? How can I apply new thoughts for optimizing? (For full insight download the research exposition)
Design: 1

Design: 2

Design: 3