an archive of Götaplatsen
first was collecting an archive of façades, building modules, textures and objects in Götaplatsen,

an examination of Götaplatsen
after was to process the archive into a collage recreation of Götaplatsen that highlights the characteristics and also shows the focused elements of the place, in the project,
the clay experiments
then the experimentation phase would start and the clay experiments would take pieces of inspirations from Götaplatsen and it would allow to test ways of bulding up with building blocks,
finally, after the experiments the building blocks were implemented into the context and were tested structurally to speculate on how and what a building system could be designed following the experiments.
– implementation 2 –
The small plot where once hosted a temporary structure for the Gothenburg Exhibition in 1923, is now fenced with rainbow bulding blocks that fantasizes arches serves as a semi-open space as an extension to the café/restaurant behind it.
– implementation 3 –
The transition wall and the gate:
There lies a long service road serving to the City Concert Hall, in between two buildings, is now gated with a transitioning wall consisting of a ribbon wall system in which the building blocks curve from one vertical structural element to the other, that can potentially attaract people into an open air road of sculptures and arts.