As soon as I figured out what I wanted to explore I set up a plan for my work, to get started I went out and photographed buildings all over the city. The goal was to get a varied library with different types of buildings in different parts of the city. When I had collected enough pictures, I illustrated each facade in illustrator. With an illustration of each facade, I could start mapping rhythm, pattern & repetition.

My first mapping method was to map window arrangements in the facades by marking them with a black color. I got the idea that you could give each building a special window placement ID by scaling everything down to a square so that each buildings window placement has a common factor. This created specific patterns that helps to explain parts of the buildings which we may not notice by just looking at them.

With my collected archive I started to map all the repetitive components with each other to see if I could find hidden patterns. by drawing lines between similar components, different patterns were created. One can clearly see a connection in the patterns, buildings with a strong horizontal repetition get horizontal lines, those with a strong vertical repetition get vertical lines and those with both horizontal and vertical repetitions get more of a spread-out pattern.