Furnishing and rearranging the timber modules
creates different usages and can meet different needs.
So for Olof Palmes Plats,
what is needed is;
Urban furnishing

Safe for who?
Pleasant for who?
What is it to feel safe in a public space? We design our public spaces
out of a social context or an understanding of how a person is supposed to be. What if we turned it on its head and had beds and furnishing and roofs making urban places welcoming, opening up for possibilites beyond sitting down.
A welcoming Olof Palmes plats is a place with comfortable furnishing, an ability to play beyond the existing trampoline, roofing for longer stays, modules for creating privatization, and an open mind of those inhabiting the space. An urban space questioning our idea of an urban space. I invision an Olof Palmes plats where most people feel safe to inhabit it, perhaps with the help of these modulizations.
My module solution is not a definite answer to hostile architecture,
but is one of many interventions that can be made in protest or as
an idea against it.