Build, live together
Joint building ventures: Empowerment and participation
We need to promote user-driven design and bring empowerment to the residents to face our future urban challenges. Since it naturally promotes long-term perspectives and ideas of sharing, which is crucial for both ecological, economic, and social sustainability.
We must build and live together.

The thesis displays a project created with a new system that allows multiple joint building ventures to share a site, a site owned by the proposed Community land trust “allmänningen”. The project is done as Raw apartments – the users finish the interior themselves. To the left, the apartment under construction, and to the right, the finished apartment.
Download the booklet to read more about the project and how a system for the joint building venture could be developed. In the booklet, you can also learn more about different tools for empowerment and participation in the built environment, an investigation of Berlin and Gothenburg, and contemporary case studies of architectural projects within the field. But first, scan the QR-code, plug in the speakers, and get in a good mood with some funky music, of course, dedicated to the basis of this report: the house:

Go to the next page to read the abstract