Mediating detail

The experience of the ‘active users’ while walking through a scaffolded sidewalk or street was investigated with a focus on peripheral vision which gets obstructed by the structure of a scaffolding and the four planes of the sidewalk room. Photogrammetry was used as a tool and generated 3d scanned environments brought details into notice. Merging or overlaying different scanned environments, i.e. a generic scaffolded sidewalk and one of the Friplanket exhibits resulted in an interesting transition of space and pointed out the potential of interventions.
For further research on materials, specially the tactility and reaction to sunlight and environment, a scale model of the scaffolding structure was used. This provided better flexibility of changing and manipulating materials of the four planes of the sidewalk room. Experimenting with different materials in different environments – indoor and outdoor brought out more scopes of intervention that could improve the walking experience.

Visual representations of alternative scenarios propose possible interventions to improve public experience through the scaffoldings.