New Public Landscape/Matter Space Structure, Fall 2020

Sofia Andersson

Future scenarios

Research on predictions

After spending time on understanding the present and past of Lindholmen, the final step was to look forward and consider the initial questions I had posed about this site. What could become of this place that would contribute to enhancing both historical heritage and socio-ecological aspects?

Climatic and geological predictions

Due to the location, I made research about the geological conditions and climate predictions of the future on the riverbank of Göta Älv. The results showed that the land is unsuitable for permanent, constructions due to the high risk of landslides near the river. Göta Älv and the secondary streams that connects to it all flow towards the sea, and in combination with predicted storms coming with heavy precipitation with so called ”100 year rains” it would cause severe rise of the water level (SGI, 2018). 

Future climate predictions also shows higher temperatures in general, which would cause draught and unusually hot summers (SMHI, 2020).

Future scenarios at the Broström’s quay
Future drought
Rainfall on non-permeable surfaces
Flooding as a result of sea-level rise and increased precipitation

Design strategies

Instead of designing something that demanded the extraction of resources, I chose to approach a scenario where nature would find more room to expand and strengthen ecosystems. Where the place could help stabilise the extreme weather scenarios locally.

Design scenario 1, stabilising micro-climate during high summer temperatures
Design scenario 2, managing stormwater and enabling growth