Exposing Fortress Europe
An investigation into the conditions and typologies of Europe’s external borders and their role as mediator of wanted and unwanted border movement and activities
”As long as you look on migration as a problem, as something to solve, you’re not going to get anywhere. You have to look at it as a human reality that’s as old as humankind. It’s mankind’s oldest poverty reduction strategy. As citizens, we have to find a way to manage it.”
William Lacy Swing, Director General International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2017

This project acts as a preliminary research into the architectures and built environments that exist in the territories of Europe’s external borders, and how these infrastructures shape, condition and facilitate the processes of transnational, irregular migration.
Below is an overview of the project contents and how to navigate this digital exhibition space.
Page I – Introduction
Methods & methodology
Page II – Discourse
Discourse – an introduction
Theoretical framework
Border typology & Separation – an introduction
Migration flows & Border securitization
Deaths at the border
Page III – MIGRATION: Architecture of migration mediation
Migration infrastructure
Instruments of migration mediation
Migrant journeys
Page IV – BORDERING: Border conditions
The edges of Europe
Mapping of Europe’s external border conditions
Page V – CASE STUDY: Border typologies
Case Study – border of Greece and North Macedonia
Border typologies 1-4
Page VI – ANALYSIS: Geographies of borders and migration
Topological assemblies
Relational analysis of migration mediation
Overlaps and separation of border functions
Page VII – Bibliography
Migration infrastructure
Irregular migration
Border condition and typology
Border topology
a way of approaching the border not as a mere physical or geopolitical entity but as a space for the production of processes
Border securitization
the gradual intensification of border security measures, such as erection of walls and fences, increased border patrols, visa and identity checks, production of other infrastructure to control the movement of goods and people.
Methods & Methodology