What type of public building can include them in society?
Addressing social isolation
It is not the number of people’s relationships that are most important in mitigating loneliness, but how people feel about those relationships (Hodge & Eccles, 2013).
Peer support is another useful way to deal with social isolation. They are more likely to understand what each other is going through and share experience, practical life skills, and advice.

Institution for the visually impaired in Sweden
The development of blind institutions in Sweden reveals people’s attitudes towards social inclusion. Nowadays there are not institutions only for the blind anymore. In one way, they are more integrated within the society, but the social connection within the group seems weaker than before.
Activity center
It is a place to gather people with vision loss. They can meet in the same place. They can talk, enjoy a movie together, share experiences, and support others.
Disability will not disable the passion for life. The studio space provides excellent opportunities for the public to see their ability and join them together. A gallery space to exhibit their work also helps to change people’s stereotypes.
It is also a place for collaboration. Everyone is welcomed to join the activities.