Everyday Konsthall
-Intersection of art space and everyday life-

Gothenburg has a strong art atmosphere and various art activities such as the cultural night. However, open urban art spaces are scarce here. Citizens feel it not easy to access art in daily life, and young artists or small private galleries find it hard to survive.
This master thesis aims to explore how a konsthall breaks the boundary between art space and communal space, as well as to provide more open studios for rising young artists. Intersecting everyday life with art helps citizens have more spiritual activities, and helps start-up artists get enough public attention. The konsthall will be designed at the site located near HAGA, which is one of the oldest communities in Gothenburg and has become a favorite meeting place for citizens and tourists. Around the site is a unified traditional brick building context. The project tries to combine concrete and bricks to design a konsthall which can be an active communal place but with pure art atmosphere.
Keywords :
Konsthall, Art, Everday life, Concrete, Brick
—How can a konsthall design intersect art space with everyday life?
—How can a konsthall design interact with artists and the public?
—How can concrete and bricks be used as materials to interpret modern art architecture in a traditional brick context?