— What would the future streets and lifestyles be in the context of Self-driving technology?
I want to discuss the impacts that Self-driving would bring to typical streets in Gothenburg, focusing on people’s lifestyle. I will design how they would develop in almost 20 years, while discuss and evaluate several scenarios they may have in the further future.

After reading relevant literatures, I divided the development of Self-driving into four stages, rudiment, coexisting, transformation, and multiple possibilities, which will be a factor I will consider when designing later. With the different stages, the proportion of driverless vehicles is increasing, and ultimately driverless will dominate because of the convenience and safety. Different stages will have different effects on the street and change its space and people’s lifestyles on the streets.

Through the previous discourses, some changes that Self-driving would bring to the streets and lifestyles are listed. I identified three design principles based on these trends.

The site is located near götaplatsen and contains many important public buildings, including Gothenburg Gallery, Gothenburg City Library, Gothenburg City Theater, etc.
The impact of Self-driving on future streets is complex and diverse. I chose this site because it is complex and challenging enough to serve as an example of different types of future street design.

After site analysis, I quickly mapped and drew some sketches of different streets which are marked with red dots in the picture on the top. After analysis and comparison, I chose the street with blue border, as my typical street for further design. I’ll explain on the next page why I chose these two streets