Category: Exploration MSS3 Fall 2021
Anna Kristinsdóttir
An investigation of graphic tools for the architectural design process. According to me photography, graphic design and architecture live in a supporting symbiosis with each other and overlap more often than we think. These art forms speak their own languages and have their own strengths and qualities. I see it as a toolbox where each […]
Elvira Koman
A museum for the works of Ilhan Koman An investigation of the sculptures’ relation to space and atmosphere. The museum will house the sculptures by the artist Ilhan Koman. In my master thesis I will focus on how to create a museum with an architecture that is experienced with the senses, how architectural qualities can […]
Sofia Jönsson
The project is an exploration of a number of approaches in relation to the terms site of resurrection, non-place and urban fossil. As a test bed for the different perspectives, the site of Gamlestaden Meatpacking District is chosen. Developed into multiple directions, the project investigates different ways of handling or relating to a site and […]
Haihong Huang
Architecture Material: Oyster-shell Introduction The idea is to reintroduce neglected organic materials and food waste into modern industrial techniques, with the aim of showing how natural resources like oyster shells can be incorporated into contemporary architectural practice and everyday use. In addition, the project aims to inspire and encourage further exploration of alternative materials by […]
David Holst
Attack Architecture – Design beyond the built Introduction Since the early 1900s the oxygen levels in the baltic sea have been decreasing in the deep-water due to nutrients from infrastructure, housing and farming. The result is a rapid increase of algae blooms in the surface water, leading to the Baltic Sea dying at a pace […]
Hugo Henriksson

Mycket Snack och Liten Verkstad… This work is composed of two major parts – a diagram for mapping my proposed categorization of visual attributes in architecture – and playing around with appropriation by intuition, using a specific site and context as a testbed. One could view the goal of it all as closing in on […]
Tobias Helmersson
EXPLORING EROSION AND PIGMENTATION OF RAMMED EARTH Introduction Rammed earth is an ancient building technique consisting of compacted earth (clay, sand, gravel, stones) in formwork. 1/3 of the world’s population is estimated to live in earth houses today (Boltshauser et al., 2018). There is a tradition of building houses with this technique in Sweden as […]
Pontus Hedstorm
Joar Hansson
TEXTURESA design exploration of digitally created craft qualities This project is an exploration of methods for developing textures, together with a set of materials, using digital methods for design and manufacturing. Digital textures are created by transforming and interpreting different inputs, and utilizing CNC-milling to translate these digital textures into physical form. The goal of […]