EXTRACT. REFLECT. -Understanding the Architectural Model This work investigates how the architectural model and the act of making the model can be used as tools for generating knowledge and, at the same time, communicate that knowledge. This thesis asks what properties more than to represent a building the architectural model has. The architectural model is […]
Category: Master´s Thesis 2020
Listen. Before reading this text you now have in front of you, imagine you writing that word in black ink onto the back of your hand. Now it is there as a reminder – a reminder that this is what this thesis is inviting you to do – to listen.
THERE WILL BE FLOOD Resilient architecture for sea level rise

ABSTRACT In a multi-family housing, ground floor together with the surrounding space, which is called the ground floor zone, is the place where residents go through every day. This area works as a “buffer zone” between indoor and outdoor, private and public space. To some extent, there are various intersections happening within it, including different […]
Nina Åström
– Arctic Ambience – Arctic Architecture in Longearbyen on Svalbard in Relation to Future Environmental Change. Table of Contents 01 Introduction 02 Thesis Statement 03 Site and Methods 04 Design Strategies 05 Nye Hiorthamn 06 The Area of Investigation 07-17 Application of Strategies 18 Perspective Images Additional Information
A building is often focused on the first-time user with very little thought on the second user and the possibilities to adapt to their needs. The energy in buildings is embodied in the building components and materials and if these would be put in a circular system instead of discarded as waste, the total energy […]
Nikola Zuchova
“ Life demands courage, endourance & strenght, but we continue to underestimate the capacity of children taking risks, enjoying the stimulation of danger and finding things out for themselves.” [Lady Allen of Hurtwood] for more information; follow the links below: introduction context public space design conclusion
Sadscape is a search for an architecture derived from emotions of loss through the exploration of poetry. Believing that by using poetry to inform design, a space of high emotional resonance and beauty can be discovered. sadscape materializing the poetic image of loss Booklet Abstract contact : natalie.a.blom<@>gmail.com top of page part I part I […]
Moa Bulthuis
A b s t r a c t Due to climate change, we are facing a future where the building industry will need to change and start striving for environmental sustainability. There are many ways we as architects can design buildings for the future. However, in the context of climate change, one way is to […]