Design for Architectural Heritage Master´s Thesis 2020

Goda Visockaite

BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE: revitalization of industrial landscape “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill This thesis project will focus on the revitalization of once thriving industrial area, former Ghia area in Turin. Ghia, a famous coach builder, moved here his activity in 1958, realizing the new factory on a plot severely […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Matter Space Structure

Frida Crutebo

BUILDING ILLUSION -deception as a tool for greater understanding Vision has throughout history been ranked the highest of our senses, one of the reasons for that can be that the act of seeing is made from a distance, no other contact is needed. But to see is also to be deceived, the expression “you see […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Material Turn

Frida Göransdóttir

Thing-ness – Making and Re-imagining Architectural Bricolages. . design background & theory developing a methodology contact . Design Proposal The design proposal results in the transformation of a parking garage in Gårda, Göteborg into a horticultural centre. The proposal holds a spatial richness created by both providing a sequence to move through the different spaces […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Matter Space Structure

Freja Krogh-Andersen

It starts like this; with a memory.Sometimes the memory is an image. Like a photograph. So crisp, clear, that you have to resist the urge to walk right into it. Other times, it’s more of a feeling. How it felt in that exact moment. A wave of remembrance that hits you so strongly, and goes […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Material Turn

Frans Herklint

Architecture is in an ambiguous relationship with customization and standardization. A work of architecture is most often tailored toward a specific program on a specific site for a specific user group. Yet the components of architecture, its building blocks, have increasingly been standardized since at least the industrial revolution, with a radical increase in the […]

Critical Spatial Perspective Master´s Thesis 2020

Felicia Karlsson

P as in People An exploration of how the right to the city can take spatial form by the redesign of a parking garage The question of how we can direct the world towards a climate neutral and just practise has never been more urgent. In an urbanized world, more and more people live in […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Matter Space Structure

Fatima Khavari

RAIN OF LIGHT – A public space acknowledging rain as the author of architecture. The way we perceive rain affects our conception of the city. In Gothenburg where it rains frequently, rain is often perceived as dark, gloomy and cold, unlike bright, sunny weather. People tend to avoid rain and seek shelter from it or […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Material Turn

Fabian Sellberg

Deep architecture Machine learning and the future of architecture This thesis explores the use and potential application of machine learning in the field of architecture. It aims to provide a framework for continued research as well as to explore and advance neural networks use in practical and conceptual stages of design processes. The primary goal […]

Housing Master´s Thesis 2020

Emma Norden

THE BALANCED CITY Rethinking the Apartment to Provide Families with an Alternative to the Single-Family Home in the Suburbs The balanced city is one that is valued not only for new forms of productivity… or for the consumption of exciting leisure amenities…, but also for an infrastructure which facilitates reproduction tasks, children’s culture and family […]

Master´s Thesis 2020 Urban Challenges

Elin Westin

Exploring how a sustainable future would transform the site of an urban shopping mall When designing for sustainability, you often get overwhelmed in the complexity of it all, thinking it won’t be enough or that the world is already doomed to fail. So instead of going with the usual ”How do we achieve this?” which […]