Master´s Thesis 2021 Urban Challenges

Daniela Sonehag


The public urban farming area has a focus on knowledge and learning about urban food production. There are four types of farming which are farming in substrate, in greenhouses, in cultivation boxes and with fruit guilds, which is a way of co-planting around a fruit tree with plants with different functions that together creates a mini ecosystem. There are several different ways of farming on the roof because the different methods are most optimal for specific crops. Crops like tomatoes and cucumbers prefer the hot climate in the green house while kale and radishes can grow in a colder climate in the substrate. The cultivation boxes offer a more controlled farming, where for example every school in the surrounding area or people interested in farming could have a number of boxes to take care of during a season. The people in the daily activities could have farming on the roof as a daily activity, where they could be responsible for the crops and sell locally produced food to nearby restaurants and cafés. They could also be involved in helping the visiting children with their crops, or work with vegetables and herbs for the café inside the building.