Kari Nissen Brodtkorb, Office building, Malmö, 2010
“I like steel the best. To take care of the original, rough, industrial expression, and at the same time scale down the buildings so that they become a good place to live, is what I strive for. ”

Right from the old Dock in Malmö, Region Skåne has got an office building. These have a horizontal alignment in the facade expression and protrusions, one the corner, which gives the building its direction and dynamism. To stabilize the “space”, the new quarter has been designed with a more direction-neutral expression. The materials and colours were adapted from the surrounding. The slated outdoor floor has a pattern inspired by the facades’ window installation. Between the slate slabs there are wide joints with moss and Sedum plants. The courtyard, which is located on the terrace floor, is a meeting place with standing tables and seats in the sun.

Sightline through the building to the lighthouse
Group 6: Axel Jakobsson Olsson, Ebba Nordberg, Jin Qian, Lisa Johansson, Malin Petersson