Exploration MSS3 Fall 2021

Linnea Alenius

The fantastic definition of a deprived area

This collage is, as the others, an unexpected result of a search for something. I was googling around and found this couple standing over a monter pointing and choosing furniture for their new home. It was something with the pointing, looking down and the relaxed but perfectly combed impression that got me interested. When you isolate them they look like they are talking to a child.

I was already working with the house in photoshop. When I placed the couple into the file with their pointing, the looking down, the relaxed hanging on the elbow and the well combed hair they made a quite condescending appearance on top of the worn house. The difference in scale made its job to.

I then got to think of the definition of what is considered to be a deprived area in Sweden, which I find to be a quite condescending description as well. The definition is quoted several times only in the articles from October in GP. It is almost like a mantra, stated over and over again.

I then continued to work with scale and juxtaposition. The worn house and the pureness and fragility of wood anemones to comment the majorities innocence. The couple with their condescending words and position are weighing down the house, but it is still standing with pride facing us face to face. It is spring in the picture, which is a metaphor for hope and that a new season is around the corner with regeneration, rebirth and blossom. The couple is instead black and white and dressed in an old fashion manner to emphasize that this judgemental point of view should belong in the past and I believe that no one, not even themselves, are being helped by definitions like this.