2021 Spring Term
Wood Public Infills Around Gothenburg
Public architecture is the art and science of buildings designated for the public and typically administered by public institutions. Its buildings are vibrant social condensers orchestrating complex interactions of people, equipment, and activities. Our studio examines the potential of public architecture as an advanced design challenge entangling public life, civic identity, densification, technology, sustainability goals, and urban context, where its intrinsic complexity is ideal for applying systems thinking and computation into the design process.
Continuing our pursuit for evolved public building paradigms, this year we combined the themes of engineered timber and building extensions to demonstrate how occupying underdeveloped urban interstices with a versatile material paradigm could be an alternative strategy to expanding and enriching the city’s public architecture domain. 9 students are presenting ideas for new public building projects situated on 5 debated development sites around the city:
+ Eriksbergs Bockkran
+ Fågelsången P-hus
+ Lorensberg P-hus
+ Nordstan Parkering
+ Rosenlund