Category: Out of Context / Matter Space Structure
Creating identity through existing drawings
In the heart of Gothenburg, right by the Central Station, lies the shy and forgotten square Drottningtorget, which is by many described as a hectic non-place; a site where no one feels welcomed or comfortable staying for a longer period of time. This is an issue we see in the urban context in general, and […]
THE NEGATIVE CAST A story about casting Where the analyse is left to the eye of the beholder The last one and a half years has been very digital, and thats been a challenge for me. I’m used to working more practical with different materials and mediums. So in a sense this project will be […]

BACKGROUND THEORY Poché [ poh-shey ] / poʊ’∫℮İ / noun. the walls, columns, and other solids of a building or the like, as indicated on an architectural plan, usually in black. ”Poché projects in general can be roughly divided into two groups- solid poche, and void poche. Void poche has two other sub groups- the […]