Wood on fabric

By glueing fabric on a grid of wooden shapes the structure gets bendable in one direction but stiff in the other due to the thickness of the wood.
By changing the spacing in between the CNC milled pieces or the angle on the edge of the wood the wooden side get more flexible.
Using triangles is a way to create complex forms on the hybrid but other shapes of wood is also possible.


The façade using the hybrid Wood on fabric is made up of CLT panels and a strong fabric. The panels are cut in triangular shapes with angled edges cut to create a self supporting structure that holds together by the fabric.
The wood on fabric structure creates a room between the inner façade and the outer. Some of the panels are cut out in the middle to let some light through.

Space divider

Arch made with the technique from the system Wood on fabric. The arch is made by linear beams that hold together by a fabric. By shaping the beams edges the form falls in to place.
The wooden side creates an arch but turning it on the other side the hybrid can be rolled up and transported or stored.