Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2021

Saman Aliramaei

Skanshuset Skanshuset is an intergenerational co-housing project that has health promotion as the main focus of study. Intergenerational co-housing, or any other cohousing concept, is going to succeed if the environment can increase cooperation and interaction between its residents. Architecture can improve health for users by offering a place that provides, supports, and maintains health […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Åsa Martinsson

Connect with music a music therapy centre Music therapy is a form of therapy that utilises the potential of music in order to give its clients a better life quality. Usually it is performed in leftover spaces designed for other functions. This master’s thesis has been an investigation of what potential a building specifically dedicated […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Tian Rong

DIALOGUE IN THE DARK – Design inclusive space for the visually impaired The thesis explores architectural strategies to enhance the social inclusion of people with visual impairment. Due to dysfunction problems and the lack of inclusive environment, they are easy to be excluded today. There seems to be an invisible wall between them and the […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Susanna Arsaelsson

Focused in school – an accessible school building for students with neurodevelopmental disorders and concentration difficulties. A master thesis that explores accessibility in school architecture. The thesis is written in the Healthcare Architecture direction and is intended as an inspiration for architects and stakeholders to create environments adapted for those who do not always follow […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Sara Blomstrand

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Linnea Leijon

Stress Meets Nature – a place to be alone, together with nature – Health problems related to stress is a significant problem for our society. Research shows that people in an urban context have a higher risk of developing mental problems related to stress. Stress makes us less aware and de-connects us from the present […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Jenny Jönsson

Urban Refuge. -Design for decreasing urban stress in a dense environment. In today’s society where we are always on the move or in the middle of an activity and spend more and more time in urban environments with its noise, high density and cognitive and visual stimuli, where we are in close quarters with lots […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Alexandra Bäckström

THESIS QUESTION – How can a spacecraft carrying people to Mars, Jupiter’s moons or beyond be designed to promote the physical and psychological well-being of the crew while still taking into account the strict technical requirements of the vessel? Space Architecture is not a new profession, but has been emerging ever since the first long-term […]

Healthcare Architecture Master´s Thesis 2020

Agnes Leo

destress– a place to prevent and treat stress Stress is a growing problem in our society and most severe amongst young people. Almost 30% of young swedes describe that they feel stressed. Many people experience stress that affects their daily life in a negative way. The project’s aim is to design a center for destress. I […]