STATIC TO DYNAMIC KINETIC ARCHITECTURE AS MEANS FOR RESPONSIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR PUBLIC SPACES. Abstract Kinetic architecture can be found to some degree in almost every building today. From automatic doors opening when you approach them, to automatic ventilation and sun shading systems. Even regular doors and windows that can be opened could be considered kinetic […]
Category: Master´s Thesis 2020
Amanda Markgren
IN PROCESS A study for a new process for Detailed Development Plansin Sweden with special interest in energy and daylight. This thesis is based on the student’s interdisciplinary background within Architecture and Project Management. Therefore, the focus is laid on the process, more directly the detailed development plan (DDP) process in Sweden and how it […]

“A design strategy that embraces rather than snubs, low-impact high-maintenance materials could not just dramatically cut construction associated emissions but help to re-frame the conception of architecture.“ (Smith & Harper, 2019, p.11) Abstract Booklet Content Theory Low Impact Materials Design proposal Contacts Gustaf Sjöberg – Alina Molnár –
Alicia Bell
not just sorry but thanks. ‘Not just sorry, but thanks’ finds its genesis in Bruce Pascoe’s work Dark Emu where he writes: “It seems improbable that a country can continue to hide from the actuality of its history in order to validate the fact that having said sorry, we refuse to say thanks” (2014:228) and […]
THESIS QUESTION – How can a spacecraft carrying people to Mars, Jupiter’s moons or beyond be designed to promote the physical and psychological well-being of the crew while still taking into account the strict technical requirements of the vessel? Space Architecture is not a new profession, but has been emerging ever since the first long-term […]
Alexander Johansson
There are many factors that indicates that the future cities are facing a major structural change in its urban design. The changing climate, increased urbanization and lacking resources are some elements that demands more of our future urban cities. An increasing global population and a worldwide growing urbanization has raised the question about the future […]

This report investigated how strategic documents in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden, could help create better conditions for micro mobility in complex intersections. Theoretical background and existing strategic documents were analyzed, but also a design of how a preferable solution would look was made. What can strategic documents do to promote these preferable solutions? The […]

”Planner do not work on a neutral stage, an ideally liberal setting in which all affected interests have choice; they work within political institutions, on political issues, on problems whose most basic technical components (say, a population projection) may be celebrated by some, contested by others. Any account of planning must face these political realities.” […]
Agnes Leo
destress– a place to prevent and treat stress Stress is a growing problem in our society and most severe amongst young people. Almost 30% of young swedes describe that they feel stressed. Many people experience stress that affects their daily life in a negative way. The project’s aim is to design a center for destress. I […]
Adrian Pihl Spahiu
The next small step A short novel depicting the stay at the habitat for the first humans on Mars The habitat Illustrated Constructing the habitat Research by design