Dance/movement therapy is one of the expressive therapies, using the creation of art as a means for therapy. In contrast to the traditional way of working with arts, the focus is on the process rather than the outcome of the artwork. Expressive therapy can be especially useful for people who find it hard to put […]
Category: Master´s Thesis 2021
vernacular: reinterpreted | Low-tech dwelling in Johanneberg | During the 20th century, dwelling architecture in Sweden has changed from being a product of a local building tradition, local materials and a local climate, to become a complex machinery of high-tech, high processed components, standardized for a globalized world. In this transition, the professions of architects […]
garbage prison – exposing unwanted phenomena in society through an encircled town on top of a dump. The project wants to strengthen the link between the prison and society, it is inspired by Robert Venturi (1966) in wanting to create an expression inside and outside of the prison that the condition of both separation and […]

Transform the past to live in a better future Renovation of a former education centre in Brussels into a new social hub Renovating old homes is not about making them look new… It is about making new unnecessary. – Ty Mcbride Abstract “Transform the past to live in a better future” is about a vision […]
Chaofan Zhang

MOVE ON WITH WIND -Exploring a new living mode in the public space from the perspective of urban scale ventilation design under the pandemic situation. The master thesis revolves around urban public space in the post-epidemic. The sudden pandemic has undoubtedly changed the original life track of everyone. In the more than one year since […]
– to note and visualize unnoticed layers of a site Catrin Frick & Emma Löfblad Abstract Booklet Besides being a physical position, a place is a combination of many things. A place is a composition of feelings, memories and physical qualities. It is also people’s relationships with each other and relationships with other places and […]
As a child, growing up in the coastal town of Varberg, I have always been surrounded by water. The sea has been a natural element for swimming, complementation, and play. The sport swimming started to establish itself in Varberg in 1920 where the harbor basin was used as the arena for practice and competition. The […]
CONCORDE The Past and the Future in Harmony Concorde is a master thesis project in preservation and transformation. Working with the past and reflecting that in the future, achieving a harmony between the existing and the new. It is an adaptive reuse project that preserves a ruin set in the south of Italy and brings […]
Nature functions as a closed loop circular system from growth to decay, created by the symbiotic relationship between the environment and the species. This contributes to vital ecosystem services within the natural systems creating a perfect balance, as a continuous cycle of growth and decay among the various lifeforms for their survival. But this balance […]
A tale of shingles A tale of shingles is a research that explored the idea of making a long-lasting and reusable wood cladding system. The delimitations were on one hand, exploring the alternatives on how to produce a durable wood that could be used in a cladding system. On the other hand, looking at the […]